December 2016
Young Carers Art Exhibition
Scarborough Art Gallery
Young Carers have spent the last few months creating all sorts of different pieces of art. This has culminated in a fantastic display of their work that is currently exhibiting in the Community Room at Scarborough Art Gallery.
The exhibition was opened by the Mayor and Mayoress of Scarborough and runs until 15th January 2017.
Please go along and see how creative our Young Carers are!
Preview the exhibition here

Christmas 2016
Christmas Gifts for Carers
Support from Scarborough Business Network
Thank you to all the members of Scarborough Network B2B (small businesses) who donated their Secret Santa money to buy gifts for carers. Di Wilson, part of the network, very kindly co-ordinated the project and put the gift packages together. Di is pictured here (centre) with some of the Carers Resource team.
September 2015
Bubble Football Championship!
A Big Fun Day Out for the whole family!
What a fantastic day this was! Even though the weather was not the best, at least it stayed dry and lots of people turned out to enjoy the Bubble Football experience.
About 20 teams took part in adult and junior leagues - results and pictures will follow on this site as we get them in.
Thanks again to Moneyweb Ltd for organising this event, extra special thanks to all the teams that took part and the many sponsors who supported the day.
Fantastic amount of money raised on the day was £4214.45
Summer 2015

Celebrating our success are: back left George Osgerby YAC, Elizabeth McPherson Chief Officer, Jodie Peckitt Service Manager. Front row left – Emma Teasdale Young Carer Transitions worker, Chris Elliott YAC and volunteer.
Big Lottery success for Young Adult Carers
The Big Lottery Fund has awarded Scarborough & Ryedale Carers Resource £392,713 to continue to support Young Adult Carers in Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale and expand the service to Young Adult Carers living in Hambleton and Richmondshire. The project will help Young Adult Carers make informed choices about their futures, access training, learning and employment and receive individualised and specialist support and advice. We want to enable them to continue caring as well as having a life of their own.
The project includes the provision of social activities which will allow Young Adult Carers to make new friends and mix with people their own age who are in similar situations.
Elizabeth McPherson Chief Officer said: "We are delighted to receive this grant from The Big Lottery Fund to continue to develop and expand this much needed service over half of North Yorkshire. The project will have a major impact for at least 600 Young Adult Carers within our communities over the next four years. We are aiming to start the project towards the end of the summer 2015."
Sian Balsom Chair of the Board of Trustees said: "I would like to thank the Big Lottery Fund for enabling Scarborough & Ryedale Carers Resource to continue with this much needed project. We can now work with many more Young Adult Carers who are missing out on this much needed support. The grant will help address the transition from young carers to adult carers as well as supporting parent carers. To be in a position where we can dedicate more resources to Young Adult Carers will make a real difference to the lives of these young people."
Find the Young Adult Carers page [here]

January 2016
Young Adult Carer Launch Event 2016
Took place on Thursday 14th January at Stephen Joseph Theatre
The event was hosted by Elizabeth McPherson (Chief Officer) and David Jackson (Young Adult Carers Project Lead). The turnout was amazing, representatives from organisations across Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale attended to show their support for the project! The Mayor, Councillor Thomas W Fox and his wife, Mayoress Ros Fox also attended and showed a great deal of support for the project. Councillor Fox pledged to attend the project’s Focus Group meetings to provide input to help grow the project.
The theme of the day was ‘Hidden Heroes’, and the message to take away was that Young Adult Carers are ‘Hidden Heroes’ who selflessly care for the needs of others, often ignoring their own needs and aspirations. As a show of support, the professionals that attended (including the Mayor) were encouraged to don their super hero masks and strike a heroic pose for a collection of photos that will be used to encourage other professionals to support family carers they may come across in their own day-to-day work.
If you would like to know more about the Young Adult Carer Project or get involved, please contact us on 01723 850155 or e-mail:

Summer 2015

Celebrating our 20th Anniversary!
Carers Resource celebrated 20 years of service to the local community with a Special Afternoon Tea!
Our 'Special Afternoon Tea', held to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Carers Resource, was a wonderful success, welcoming many carers and staff who have been involved with the organisation since it's founding in 1995 and the three managers who have guided it to its success in this time (see above, from left - Elizabeth McPherson, Suzanne Carr and Phillipa Hare).
A beautiful sunny day saw Snainton Village Hall overflowing with well wishers. Some touching speeches by our current chairperson Sian Balsom, Scarborough's Deputy Mayor and Young Carer Chris Elliott set the afternoon in motion, followed by our local community choir and a performance of bell ringing.
We wish a BIG Thank You to all who attended and those who contributed their time and help to make the day such a success.
Summer 2016Sew Easy - Young Adult Carers
Recent activity undertaken by the Young Carers and Young Adult Carers
See the Young Adult Carers page for a full report and video of the experience!
November 2015
Whitby Comic-Con 28th November 2015
On Saturday the 28th of November the Young Adult Carers transition group went to Whitby Comic-Con to experience the weird and wonderful world of comics and sci-fi! It was an amazing day and lots of comic and sci-fi fanatics attended with some fantastic costumes!
We looked around the huge selection of memorabilia stalls, comic artist’s stands and met some sci-fi celebrities! The event took place at Whitby Spa Pavilion; the lower level was transformed into a post-apocalyptic zombie filled experience where the Young Adult Carers (and their brave support worker!) were escorted to safety by Daryl Dixon and the rest of the Walking Dead survivors! All proceeds from the day went directly to Cancer Research UK. It was an amazing experience and we can’t wait to attend next year!
Bag Packing at Sainsbury's
As part of Carers Rights Day awareness raising we were bag packing with a team of volunteers at Sainsburys superstore in Scarborough, Friday 28th November - thank you to all who came along and gave us your support!